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MacCamp is an ad-hoc gathering, inspired by BarCamp, born from the desire for Mac users to share and learn in an open environment. It is a fun event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. This is an unconference styled event using the Open Space format, where every participant is also a presenter and co-organizer, collaborating to share and support one another.
Event details
When and Where: Saturday May 10th at the YMCA Theater located at 820 Mass Ave., Cambridge, MA. Registration begins at 8:30 am (EDT) and doors close at 6 pm (EDT). It's free.
Our capacity is 250. No T-shirts (not only are we cheap... we don't have enough lead time). You're on your own for lunch. There are plenty of good and relatively cheap places to eat in Central Square and we will give you plenty of time to eat... like 1.5 hours.
Contrary to popular suburban opinion, you can park a car around Central Sq. on a Sat.
... and now here are the parking details.
1. If you are coming in from the suburbs, we highly recommend parking at one of the major outlying MBTA stations such as Alewife and taking the T directly to Central Sq. but if you must drive in ....
2. There is a really inexpensive municipal parking garage at the corner of Pearl and Green Sts. Pearl Street runs perpindicular to Mass Ave. right in the heart of the Central Sq. area. It is on the left hand side of the Mass Ave. if you are driving west... and on the right hand side if you are driving east.
3. On Sat. morning you can find quite a bit of metered parking right on the major streets surrounding Central Sq. You do need to feed the meters on Sat. (every 2 hrs... and we will have a bag full of quarters at the YMCA if you need change). Do not parking in an area marked for "resident permits." The city of Cambridge does ticket and tow aggressively.
If you get lost in the maze of Cambridge Streets ( and don't have one of those talking GPS devices) you can try calling me (Mike Walsh) on my cell and I will try to talk you in for a safe landing in or around central Sq.
Thanks to Jon Pierce and Brian Del Vecchio... there will be a "Meet and Greet" at BetaHouse (boston's coolest co-working loft) on Fri. May 9th. 6ish to 8ish with more details to follow. BetaHouse is two blocks from the Central Sq. MBTA stop and 6 blocks from the YMCA Theater.
If you want to throw some relevant schwag our way, we wouldn't object. Door prizes that we could raffle off are always a big hit. The central focus of an unconference is the "Session Board/Grid" where presenters promote their sessions. We will have some ad space available around the border of this grid. More details to follow. If you want to sponsor a pre or post event party, that would be nice.
Basically we will consider anything reasonable that can be implemented quickly and doesn't compromise our high moral standards (yeah right!!). So if you want to sponsor something, contact TheMikeWalsh on gmail.
We wouldn't mind having some co-conspirators/volunteers.
Things we need.
1. We need at least 3 projectors and screens. Ideally we'd like to have 5.
2. We have permission from the YMCA to "share" their fractional T-1 internet access. So we need a networking geek to actually do the implementation.
3. We need a setup/breakdown crew. The crew will have to report to BetaHouse (in Central Sq. close to the YMCA) at 7:30am on Sat. and schlep stuff (projectors, screens, registration matierials, etc) to the site so we can open the doors for registration promptly at 8:30am.
If you can provide any of these things, or have an idea of someone who could, email Jack at jack@da4.com
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